Weight Loss

Benefits of Avocado for Weight Loss

Avocado for weight loss

Is avocado fruit or vegetable?

Well, probably fruit.

What’s important is that it’s healthy.

And it can help you lose weight.


Although it contains a big amount of fats, avocado can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. (1)

Avocado is a very good source of proteins and fiber.

As a matter of fact, avocado is one of the best sources of protein when it comes to fruit.

Fiber and proteins are key for a proper work of the digestive system, regulating appetite, and keeping you full.

Also, fiber helps prevent chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes type 2.

Benefits of avocado for weight loss and health

Avocado diet

The intake of avocado is highly beneficial due to its low number of calories, good fats, and an abundance of vitamins and minerals.

Having a balanced diet, adding avocado to your meals, and exercising regularly will make you feel and look better, for sure.

1. It can speed up your metabolism

Avocado contains monosaturated fats that boost your metabolism and burn fat.

It is one of the best weight-loss superfoods. (2)

2. Avocado suppresses your appetite

If you increase the intake of avocado you can reduce the risk of overeating.

Avocado reduces cravings for sweets, snacks, sugars, and saturated fats and it helps you stay full longer. (3)

It’s a great source of vitamins and minerals necessary for your whole body.

3. It prevents heart diseases

Avocado contains 15% fats and 11.8% of them are unsaturated fatty acids.

And they are important for a healthy cardiovascular system.

Moreover, avocado doesn’t contain cholesterol and it contains a little sodium which positively affects the heart and the blood vessels.

Oleic acid is one of the main fatty acids that is also found in olive oil.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect and it helps your heart stay healthy.

4. Avocado is high in antioxidants

Avocado is high in nutrients and antioxidants, too.

They reduce the effect of the harmful free radicals that appear due to oxidation or UV radiation.

5. It helps digestion

Avocado contains 7% dietary fiber per 100 grams and that makes it very good for the gut and digestion.

Fiber is a carbohydrate, but its structure is different from sugar and your body can’t digest it.

Fiber can:

  • Boost the work of your gut
  • Feed ‘good’ microorganisms in the digestive system
  • Regulate the level of glucose in the blood

How to eat avocado for weight loss?

Eating avocado for weight loss


You should eat avocado mainly raw.

The seed and the skin aren’t for eating.

To avoid avocado turning brown, add a little lemon juice.

You can cut or mash the flesh, add herbs, salmon, prawns, chicken or other healthy ingredients.

You can cut avocado and add it to soups or stews, just make sure they aren’t simmering anymore.

The simplest way to eat avocado is to add a little bit of salt and pepper.

You can also add cayenne pepper, vinegar, or lemon juice.

The fastest way to prepare avocado is to cut it, drizzle olive oil, apple vinegar, salt, and pepper.

A smoothie is also a great idea for a healthy meal or snack.

You can combine avocado with leafy green vegetables (for example, kale) or fruit like bananas, pineapples, or berries.

If you want a protein smoothie, add a bit of milk or yogurt, and protein powder.

If want to read how to boost your weight loss safely, with the best natural supplements click on the link below:


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