Nutrition Weight Loss

Best Vitamins and Minerals for Weight Loss

Best vitamins and minerals for weight loss

If you are about to start your weight loss journey you probably know that you need to have a balanced diet and you need to exercise.

But, you also need to know what vitamins and minerals are important for weight loss.

So, read my list of the most important minerals and vitamins for weight loss.

Also, find out what food is high in certain vitamins and minerals.

Why should you intake vitamins and minerals?

To better control your weight, your appetite, hunger, the speed of your metabolism, the rate of burning calories, fats and sugar you need to intake an optimal amount of vitamins and minerals.

Let’s see what are the best vitamins and minerals for weight loss.

Best vitamins for weight loss:

Vitamin A

One of the most important roles of vitamin A is to keep your skin smooth and firm.

But, it can also help you lose weight.

Foods high in vitamin A are beef liver, salmon, goat cheese, carrot…

Read more about vitamin A here.

B complex vitamins


It boosts the carbs burning process and it strengthens your muscles.

The recommended daily intake of 1 mg is found in a handful of sunflower seeds or in one cup of peas.


Vitamin B2 boosts the fat, protein, and carbs burning process.

The recommended daily intake is 1,2 mg and 3 cups of yogurt contain that.


Vitamin B3 affects blood sugar levels and it’s very important for breaking down fat.

The recommended daily intake is 13 mg.

And that’s 4 bananas or 1 bigger chicken breast.


Vitamin B5 deficiency stops you from using fat in your body.

It has a very important role in producing energy and it helps the work of the adrenal gland.

Good sources of vitamin B5: liver, meat, walnuts, wheat bran, wheat germ, eggs, oat, barley, green veggies, mushrooms.

The recommended daily intake of B5 is 6 mg.


It breaks down proteins and it helps you stay in a good mood.

It regulates the production of hormones in the thyroid gland and your metabolism.

The recommended daily intake of 1,2 mg can be found in a small pepper or in a mackerel.


Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin.

It regulates the breakdown of fatty acids and carbs.

The recommended daily intake (30-60 mg) can be found in two and a half cups of oat flakes.


It helps the process of breaking down fats and proteins. (1)

The recommended daily intake of 3 mg can be found in 100 gr of cheese.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for the synthesis of carnitine and collagen which strengthen the connective tissue.

It’s the strongest antioxidant among hydrosoluble vitamins.

The recommended daily intake of 100 mg is found in 2 oranges or 2 cups of strawberries.

Vitamin D

This vitamin strengthens your muscles.

Vitamin D deficiency is usually connected with overweight and obesity.

Some studies show that women who have a balanced diet with food naturally high in vitamin D lose weight faster and more efficient than women who don’t eat food high in vitamin D.

The recommended daily intake of 5 mg is found in 3 eggs or 100 gr of smoked salmon.

Read more about vitamin D for weight loss here.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps your body to get rid of harmful radicals and it makes your skin more beautiful.

The recommended daily intake (12 mg) is found in a cup of hazelnuts.

It also helps get rid of loose skin after weight loss.

Best minerals for weight loss:


The chemical reactions which produce energy for your body aren’t possible without magnesium, which means that magnesium is necessary for good metabolism.

Good sources of magnesium are nuts, seeds, legumes, spinach, banana, salmon, potato, and wholegrain cereals.


Calcium is very important for a healthy metabolism and blood sugar control, strong bones, and some studies show that a bigger intake of calcium combined with vitamin D helps to lose weight.

Food high in calcium: milk, yogurt, dark green veggies, seeds, almonds.


Iron is also important for getting oxygen from your red blood cells to all cells and tissues in your body.

If you have iron defficiency your muscles won’t get enough oxygen and, as a result, they won’t be able to burn fat and turn it into energy efficiently.

Good sources of iron: red meat, legumes, brown rice, nuts, dark green veggies, tofu.


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